Best Practice 3

Best Practice 3 

Title of the practice: Raising environmental awareness



  • Raises environmental awareness among college students and staff
  • To realize various environmental protection areas on the campus.
  • Through the NSS unit of the college, it organizes various programs and activities to raise environmental awareness among the residents of the surrounding area.


The occurrence of global warming sounded an alarm bell all over the world about the deterioration of the earth’s environment and its consequences, many thinkers and ecologists similarly wormed humanity, pointed out that it is high time to take appropriate measures that we can prevent the loss of the environment and save the earth and our future generation from disasters for many problems through which they can motivate the young generation and seek their contribution in mitigating environmental threats.



Energy conservation

There are many steps a college can take to minimize energy consumption. These include: – Replacement of energy-consuming tube lights and light bulbs with energy-saving compact fluorescent lamps and LED lights.  The college conducts energy conservation programs and takes steps to ensure energy conservation whenever possible. The institute follows a policy of turning on power only when needed and turning it off when not in use. Classrooms have very wide and tall windows, ensuring that the use of lights and fans is minimized as ventilation is naturally enhanced. Classrooms, administration rooms, offices, and the principal’s cabin of the college are airy and well lit to maximize natural light during the day. The institution strictly observes to see that no electric equipment runs unnecessarily. Various measures are taken to use electricity carefully. Almost all the computer monitors in use are either LED or LCD to ensure minimum usage of electricity and also to reduce the level of radiation.


Green Campus: Swachh Campus

The NSS unit of the college organizes tree plantation drives regularly. Several tree saplings were planted by the students and staff as part of several tree planting initiatives that the institution, through its NSS wing, coordinated. The students and staff now take care of and maintain all of these trees. To keep the campus safe for everyone, care is taken to maintain minimal levels of pollutants and carbon emissions in the college environment. A “No Tobacco Zone” has been designated at the campus. The institution has a procedure for conducting a green audit of its facilities. On campus, plastic bag usage is discouraged. Use of jute or cotton bags is encouraged among faculty and staff


Creating environmental awareness among citizens

The college’s NSS Unit has participated in a variety of projects and events, including planting trees, taking part in the Swachh Bharat Mission Abhiyan, organizing rallies, etc. All of these initiatives and events, both in the residential camp and the adopted community, have been quite effective in raising public awareness of environmental conservation. One obstacle to the preservation of the local ecosystem is the need to raise awareness among the populace, especially among farmers who are accustomed to starting fires with the assistance of drivers in order to have a healthy crop build during the rainy season. NSS has launched an awareness campaign to stop the employment of this trial-by-fire technique.



The college students and employees have begun to practice a variety of environmentally friendly habits, such as using less papers, avoiding plastic bags, and properly disposing of waste on campus. Students have begun to plant and care for a variety of trees in their houses as well as in the communities where they were raised. The students’ daily lives at their individual homes have been influenced by the green activities they have observed on the college campus. People have begun to install LED bulbs in their homes instead of the old types of bulbs that use a lot of electricity as a result of awareness among students and also among the adjacent communities.


Obstacle of the Programme:

Since most students have grown accustomed to using all of these contemporary conveniences, they are first hesitant to adopt certain green behaviors like avoiding plastic bags, using less electricity, conserving water, and using fewer personal automobiles. In order to prepare the land for a healthy harvest of the paddy crop during the following rainy season, it is customary in our area to pile dried leaves together in the months of April and May and light them on fire. The local population holds a lot of false beliefs. They are initially hesitant to abandon this practice since they think it helps them have good agricultural yields. We require additional resources to address these kinds of issues